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SLT Thumbnail provider crashes Windows File Explorer

I have a solution to the STL thumbnail Provider crashes the Windows File Explorer ( and some other programs aswell). It does not matter what kind of error the STL renderprogram gets. Renaming a text-file to .STL will create problem because its not a 3D model, but it will NOT crash WFE.
Same problem with a complex STL that is impossible to parse och caontains error that is impossible to render to a 3D model. The result will be a blank STL thumbnail, but it will NOT crash WFE.

I need complex STL files to test with. I have not found any that is to complex (yet)

Send me a mail at c a b b a g e c r e e k (a) g m a i l . c o m and I will send you the Zip containing the new dll.

You need to unregister the STL thumbnail provider using Marlin3DprinterToolStlConfiguration.
Reboot the PC.
Now the STL thumbnail provider is able to be replaced,
Unzip the attached DLL.
Replace the dll in C:\program x86\Marlin3DprinterTool directory
Register the DLL again using Marlin3DprinterToolStlConfiguration

Now the crashing FileExlorer should be fixed..

If you get problems contact me thru mail/message and I will try to help

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