I have discovered that the Z-probe offset algotihm is not working for newer Marlin FW.
I am now working on a totaly new idea based on the M851 command.
The idea is to test how the current M851 responce is, compared with the “paper-under-nozzle” method.
I will also add a precision control that makes it possible to chande the steps the “Probe UP/Down” makes. If you have a Z clearance of 10mm it takes forever to move in 0.05mm increments. I will try ta add a automatic precision so if the nozzle is far away from the bed the precision is less (like 0.5mm) and when its close to M851 value it will be in the range of o.05 to 0.025. I belive better precision than that is not needed.
I will try to get that included in the 0.26-beta.
I need som pre-beta tester for this and also for the “divorse” of STL thumbnail and Marlin3DprinterTool. It is from now 2 separate GIT repositories.
If you install both MSI you will get the same appearance as before.. Both programs /files are under C:\program files (x86) \marlin3dprintertool
Unfortunately installation of Tools and Thumbs goes into conflict. After I installed latest version of Tools and then Thumbs, Tools disappeared from disk. When I’m trying to install once again tools, I got a message – Newer version is already installed. They do not coexist. My workaround was to change folder name for Thumbs, uninstall it, and than Install Tools 😉 I know that its stupid but it works.
I can’t figure out how to install this…. I didn’t see an MSI or install program. Am I missing something. Downloaded both the thumbs and the tools from the github master. what I really need is the .stl thumbnail viewer in windows explorer.
Thanks and sorry if I’m doing something noob here.
There will be a 0.26-beta where the two projects are joined again. There is to much common parts that needs to be changed to make the STL thumbnail viewer and M3DpT separate.
I am in thr process of totally rewrite the communication part of M3DpT. The previous version was a mess.. So much add-on and fix so it was almost impossible to maintain.